
2016豪华车增速重回快车道 市场规模突破200万辆

时间: 2017-1-17      来源: 桑之未

Overviewof the luxury car market in 2016, sales of more than 2 million for the firsttime is the big breakthrough

桑之未 汽车流通行业分析师 中国汽车流通协会专家委员会成员


     By Sang Zhiwei

  Expert and Member of the Committee of China Automobile Dealers Association(CADA)

The English part is translated by Memory MA


In 2016,the sales volume of luxury car is more than 2 million for the first time inChina market. 14 luxury brands sold 2,178,099 cars in total, with a YoY growthof 16.3%, leading in the whole passenger car market. At the end of the year,luxury car companies have announced the sales performance, through which wecould clearly see the exclusivity and the comprehensive strength.



Purchase tax halve policy helps with the profitability, and new product werelaunched intensively

In 2016 the auto market benefitted from taxhalve policy, which also instilled impetus of fast development to the luxurysegment. The luxury brands focus on and launched the new products of midsizesedans, mid-sized SUV, like Mercedes-Benz revamped E-Class, Audi A4, Cadillac EXT5, Jaguar XFL, Volvo S90, Acura CDX and so forth. The new products listedreached the designated position in pricing strategy other than the previouspractice of high priced at a discount, which has made the cars like hot cakes.


The price war among luxury brandsintensified during the early half of 2016, many popular models under BMW andAudi maintain around 20% discount. The auto purchase needs have been amplifiedled by the ending of purchase tax halve policy in the next half of the year,therefore the OEMs actively adjusted the product segment and sales strategy toensure the retail prices rebound, and also resulted in more profit for automakersand dealers.

销售遇困 豪华车企销售老大换将频繁


Sales in trap and executives responsiblefor sales in luxury brands have been replaced frequently 
Another phenomenon in luxury auto brands is that the sales heads of severalbrands have been replaced. Starting from Infiniti in the beginning of the year,Bentley, BMW, Volvo, Porsche, Audi, Jaguar and Land Rover and so forth listedall changed their sales executive. When considering the candidate from internalsystem promotion, or external veteran who, generally has the sales experienceat the grass-roots level. Most of them will maximize the dealer profitability,and improve the relationship by listening more to dealers, adjusting theproduct positioning, optimizing the business policy, and it works pretty well

一线豪华:奔驰抢眼  宝马蓄势

2016年奔驰继续保持一线豪华品牌增长最快记录,在提升销量的同时,奔驰进一步加深与战略经销商互动,提升网络效率,改善新建店经销商的盈利性。奔驰EGLC等多款持续热销,部分车型在零售市场均一车难求。奔驰在营销模式上不断创新,Mercedes me三里屯体验店的开业,使得奔驰品牌能够更“轻”的方式与消费者触达,为豪华品牌在4S店体系之外探索一条与潜在客户接触的新方法。

Topwell-known brands of luxury: Mercedes-Benz outshines others, BMW rises based onits accumulated strength
In 2016, Mercedes-Benz maintains the fastest growthrecord in sales increase in top well-known brands of luxury market. At the sametime of sales increase, Mercedes enhanced the interaction with its strategicdealers to promote the network efficiency, and improve the new dealers'profitability. New products like Mercedes E and GLC continues its popularity inthe market, some specific models have even been sold out. Mercedes alsoinitiated innovations in marketing, the opening of Mercedes Me in Sanlitunoffers an emotional bridge to reach consumers, which explored a new path totouch potential consumers out of 4S stores.


BMW in 2016 continued to adjust sales strategy including improvingthe relationship with dealers, and adjusting the business policy. The new X1 keepshot selling after launched with 55,000 vehicles sold in total in 2016. Takingover Audi A6L, BMW 5-series has become the new sales king of the segment. The launchof BMW 1-series and 5-series will optimize the product structure effectively,and boost further profits.

奥迪蝉联销量第一 重构经销商车企和谐关系


Audi's sales ranks firstagain, and will rebuild harmonios relationship with dealers

Audi sold 589,088 units in 2016, continuing leading the top luxurybrands while the growth rate is slowing down. Some flagships have been at theend of the product life, and the change of sales head and also the salesmanagement team produce certain negative impact on all of its products and management."SAIC-Audi"event promoted the car companies to interact with dealers and distributors,which shown that the power of channel increases. In 2017 new Audi Q5, A3 are bothpopular models which will help to improve the audi sales.      

二线豪华三家车企销量越级10万 雷克萨斯精细管理值得回味

3 ofthe second tier brands sold more than 100,000, and the lean management of Lexusis a good case.


This year, Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Porsche and other brands, the grossmargin of new cars for dealers maintained around 7%, and became the mostprofitable brand. It takes Lexus vehicles an average of 16 days from the portto selling out, if deducting logistics time, the actual store inventory timewill be even shorter, so Lexus become the fastest brand on product flowing andcapital recycling, dealers also save a lot of financial costs. For Lexus, thereis no new product of mass popularity, while Lexus has got more than 100,000sales volume, reaching 109,150 units, with 25.6% growth through the lean salesmanagement; while maintaining rapid growth in sales, gross profit of dealers hasalso been rapid growing, in 2017 the expected sales growth is not so large, stillto continue the trend of strong sales last year.


Jaguar Land Rover sold 119,048 cars thisyear with an increase of 31%, benefiting from the growth of local produced models.In 2016 Jaguar started to produce aluminum-body XFL in China, which is thefirst production of all aluminum automotive product produced in local autoindustry. Jaguar Land Rover replaced the management of China, Pan Qing becametheExecutive Director, President of Jaguar Land RoverChina and Chery Jaguar Land Rover Integrated Marketing Sales and Service,which is the first time a Chinese became global head of an international automaker. While regarding the business development in China, Jaguar Land Rover alsocarried out social welfare projects in sports, education, road safety and manyother aspects, these projects are based on Jaguar Land Rover Dream Fund, and designedto benefit China's 200,000 young people through the series activities.


Among the second-tier brands, Cadillac is the one need to be paid moreattention to, which enjoyed a 47.5% yearly increase on sales volume. There are118016 cars are sold, exceeding one hundred thousand. Early this year, Cadillaclaunched 2 important new models, the CT6 and XT5, but because of theover-expectation and unreasonable price, they were unsalable as soon as theywere launched, so Cadillac had to increase the volume by the old XTS. Laterthis year, sales volume of Cadillac started to boost, the bulk sale was over 10thousand for several months. But the inventory pressure of the dealers alsokept growing, so the dealers were forced to make great discount on market, thelowest price was 68%, the entry level model ATS-L once became the cheapest oneamong its competitors.


Although Volvo went through a management team change this year, the salesin this year is also discount. The highly-priced XC90 went down into 500thousand section and the volume started to increase. Prices of S60L and XC60 remainthe lowest in their individual section. So brand is still the short slab for Volvo,which cannot provide enough support for sales.


The sales volume of Infiniti increased by 3% to 41,590 cars this year. Sufferedfrom drawbacks like recall and without new product, it is really good work to stabilizethe volume. The newly built local management team ensures the profitability ofdealers in pricing, and has sharp sense on marketing and sales, and has matureconcept on coordinating and relationship of manufacturer and dealers. ForInfiniti, 2016 is a year to refresh and as much as a year ready to accelerate.

讴歌今年国产CDX,让苦苦支撑多年的经销商开始盈利,低定价,上市即热销,可以看到广汽本田的销售管理团队对讴歌的定位还是比较清晰,2017年将推出国产入门级轿车TLX,中型SUV RDX则将2018年实现国产,预计讴歌的销量将会持续增长。

This year Acura launched localized CDX with low price and sells quitewell, which helps the dealers struggled out of distress and start to makeprofit. The sales management team has a clear expectation for Acura, they willlaunch the localized entry level model TLX in 2017, and then the middle-sizedSUV RDX in 2018. Therefore, we could predict that the volume of Acura will keepgrowing.


Lincoln sold 32,558 cars this year and the growing rate is as much as300%. The high growing rate is due to the network development and all the SUVproducts. Lincoln Continental hit the market at the end of the year, whichmeans Lincoln started to entry the sedan segment. The performance in sedanmarket will be the key factor if Lincoln can maintain the high growing rate.



Porsche sold 65,246 cars with 12% increase in 2016. The average pricewent down for another step. In the early half year the volume of Macanincreased fast, and there was some discount too. Cayenne and 718 remained themost profitable models. In the late half year Panamera stopped loss afterreducing production and changing generation. 2016 is a Kong-fu-practising yearfor Porsche dealers, for example, some Porsche Centers in rich south provincelike Shenzhen can make 20 million derived profit with good sales management. Thereis fierce price competition among 4S stores in Shanghai, but they enjoyedplenty after-sales business. The Porsche dealers in second-tier-cities likeChongqing also earn plenty money.


Super carmanufacturers pay focus on supply-demand relationship, the dealers started tomake profit


Maserati sold 12149 cars with 34.9% increase, and the volume and dealers’profit benefit a lot from the launch of the new SUV.

宾利今年销量为1894辆,增长17.28%。年初宾利调整管理团队,并有豪华SUV添越和飞驰V8 S等新产品上市,带动其销量获得高速增长,但在终端零售超报严重,据相关人士透露1/3车辆成为经销商库存,由于盈利无望,部分城市经销商关店。

Bentley sold 1894 cars with 17.28% increase. Early this year adjusted itsmanagement team, and launched the luxury SUV Bentayga and Flying Spur V8S,which helped to increase the volume at a high rate. But the over-statistics isreally serious at the sales end, it is said that 1/3 of the cars becameinventory of the dealers. And in several cities dealers closed the storebecause they can’t get any profit.


Rolls-Royce enjoyed a 23% increase this year. Hyper car market has beensuffering from the bad economic condition, the volume is low. Rolls-Royce caresmuch about the profit and inventory of its dealers, and keeps the supply-demandbalance, thus the dealers could manage positive gross margin.


The bulk sale of Ferrari is 415 this year, comparing to 425 deliverieslast year. Benefiting from the low priced 488 model, the dealers operate inorder-driving pattern, and they don’t have much pressure on cash flow and enjoygood profit.


Beyond the statistics, there are much more things to remember in theluxury car market. This year, the high frequency of management change in luxurycar manufacturers is rare in history. At the end of the year, Audi announcedthe cooperation with SAIC and caused chaos in public voice. This year also, thewin-win relationship between the manufacturers and the dealers becomeconsensus. In the market of the fiercest competition, change is constant, and competitionis where charm exists in the market.